We all have the capacity to make something with our hands, but how can we make this practice spiritual? How does crafting keep the creative light burning inside us? Join Diana Weymar for an online workshop where we’ll share stories of what we’re making by hand and how this practice helps us to pay attention to the world. Diana will share her extensive textile-based practice and also welcomes you to share your creative practices. Louise Bourgeois once said “the process of sewing was an act of emotional repair.” As we navigate these turbulent times, our hands can help us explore our heart’s repair.

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about the leader

Diana Weymar grew up in the wilderness of British Columbia, studied creative writing at Princeton University, and worked in film in New York City. For the past decade, she has been threading the needle to create a material record of our times. Through both social media and in-person gatherings, she has encouraged thousands of people to find their own creative path through personal and political challenges. Her new book, Crafting a Better World: Inspiration and DIY Projects for Craftivists is available this fall from HarperCollins.