Ministries & Outreach
Wherever you are on life’s journey, the Cathedral Congregation has ministries and outreach where you can plug in to find community and connection.
Social Justice Outreach
Here at the Cathedral, we do our best to follow the call of the prophet Micah: Do justice; Love mercy; Walk humbly with God. The Cathedral's Outreach & Social Justice Ministries aim to transform the world for good and serve those most in need.
Cathedral Cares is our hub for bringing compassion to our neighbors and those most in need. Working with our network of partners, we offer several opportunities throughout the year for the Cathedral community to come together to deliver God’s love to a hurting world.
We’re all about rolling up our sleeves to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. Across several different outreach ministries, we aim to follow Christ’s call to visit the sick, welcome the stranger, feed the hungry and clothe the naked. Join us!
The Creation Care Ministry advocates for the stewardship of all of God’s creation, especially environmental concerns through education, worship and action.
The Gun Violence Prevention Ministry is committed to working with our partners at the local, state and national levels to end the scourge of gun violence. Together, we work on education, advocacy, coordinating with other houses of worship and offering prayers and action to support victims of gun violence.
The LGBTQIA Alliance promotes the inclusiveness of the Episcopal faith and the Cathedral’s message of “All are Welcome” by helping people of all sexual orientations, gender identities and faith backgrounds find their place in the church.
In the face of hate and discrimination, we are committed to showing love, compassion and hospitality. The sanctuary movement accompanies refugees and immigrants as they try to build a home in a new country. Monthly meetings often feature special guests and information on local actions that need our help.
Through Kairos Prison Ministry International, members attend weekend retreats for male and female prisoners in Maryland prisons twice a year. Scores of Cathedral Congregation members serve as prayer warriors and letter writers during the weekend retreats.
The mission of the Racial Justice Task Force is to be inclusive, accepting and embracing of all of God’s children, and to build understanding, healing and harmony amongst all races. The RJTF sponsors a book club, author discussions, programs and field trips.
Other Congregational Ministries
Wherever you are on life’s journey, the Cathedral Congregation has ministries where you can plug in to find community and connection. Our lay-led groups meet both in-person and online to help sustain your faith and strengthen your walk with God.
If you're interested in joining, or need more information about the following ministries, please email us and we will direct you to the ministry leaders.
The 20s and 30s Ministries meets throughout the year for fellowship and formation. Events include Bible study, Sunday brunch, community outreach, and “Evensong and Evensocial” events.
Via Media (40s and 50s) meets throughout the year for happy hours, movie theology, hosts the Congregation Picnic, sells Cathedral swag, and attends a Lenten retreat at Shine Mont in Orkney Springs, VA.
Join our group of Sunday Greeters, who welcome worshippers in the Narthex and at the Congregation table, and Coffee Hour Teams, who offer refreshments following service.
The Christian Formation Committee implements congregation-led formation classes such as Advent and Lenten Retreats, Bible Studies, and the brown-bag lunch Sunday book discussions.
Take your biblical thinking and camaraderie to the next level with the Men’s Bible Study. Regardless of your level of study or scholarship, this is a chance to gather with fellow men interested in discussing, questioning, and reframing Bible passages to live a stronger and more connected life. This congregation ministry meets on the first and third Sundays of the month.
The Fiction Fun Ministry meets on the third Monday of each month either in person or on Zoom. Join fellow readers for lively discussions of the human soul shown in current fiction.