Our Community
The Cathedral Congregation is an Episcopal faith community growing together into the fullness of Christian life.
A Note from the Canon Vicar
What a joy it is to welcome you to the Cathedral’s Congregation! I’m Dana Corsello, and as your pastor, my prayer for our ministry together is to create intimacy and connection within the Cathedral walls and beyond. Our congregation encompasses members from the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia, but it also stretches across the nation and the globe. No matter where you live, you can be a part of this warm and welcoming community.
Think of the Vicar’s office as your local parish church. Here, we guide formation into the Episcopal Church, nurture your spiritual wellbeing, and as a body of Christ, reflect God’s love to the world. My colleagues in ministry here are the Rev. Patrick Keyser and Janae Barber. Please reach out to us anytime!
–The Rev. Canon Dana Colley Corsello
A Snapshot of Congregation Life
Annual Cathedral Day Picnic • Annual Fall Retreat to Shrine Mont • November Speaker Series “Longer Tables—Shorter Walls” with dinner and fellowship • Annual Tree Lighting at the Vicarage • “Take on Lent,” a five-week dinner series exploring theology, the Bible, and preparing candidates for baptism and confirmation • Yearly Pilgrimages (Alabama Civil Rights/Ghost Ranch), Mission Trips, and day-retreat opportunities • Newcomer Cocktail Parties (twice yearly) • Stand-alone Christian Formation Offerings such as: Advent Zoom Webinars, Bible Studies, Sacred Ground Circles, Book Studies, Author Talks, Theater Theology • and more!
Our Community
Think of the Cathedral Congregation as a little church within a great big church. There’s something for everyone here, and we can’t wait to welcome you into our fold.
Our ministries and outreach opportunities are abundant! Please visit these pages to learn more.
Providing support to one another, especially in times of crisis, illness, or grief, is at the heart of our lives together as a Cathedral congregation.
Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Spirit into Christ’s Body, the Church. The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble.
Members of the Cathedral Congregation may be baptized under the guidelines outlined on our Holy Baptism Information Page.
Children are enthusiastically welcomed at all worship services, but alternatives are available.
- Infants and toddlers: The Cathedral’s Sunday nursery is reopened as of Palm Sunday 2024! Open hours: 7:45 am to 12:45 pm. Ages: newborn to 5. Located on the crypt level — ushers and greeters can guide you.
- Pre-K–Grade 12: The Cathedral collaborates with our neighboring parish, St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, to offer Sunday School at 10:10 am at St. Alban’s. Children PreK–Grade 6 will participate in age appropriate Godly Play. Youth grades 7–12 will be on their Journey to Adulthood. Contact Vicar Dana Corsello with questions.
Episcopalians love a good coffee hour after church, and we can’t wait for you to join us!
In-Person: We offer light refreshments immediately following the 11:15 a.m. Principal Sunday Holy Eucharist.
Online: Sundays at 1:30 eastern time, far-flung Congregation gathers on Zoom for fellowship, 21st Century-style. Pour yourself a mug and log on!
Join our community! You can still retain membership in your home parish or congregation and join the Congregation. Or you may choose to devote all your energies, faith formation, and stewardship to the community life of the Cathedral. If you wish to join the congregation, please complete a new member inquiry form, online or in person at Coffee Hour following the 11:15 am Sunday Eucharist.