Cathedral Cares
"Christ has no body now but yours; no hands, no feet on earth but yours; yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world." –St. Teresa of Ávila
About Cathedral Cares
Cathedral Cares is our hub for bringing compassion to our neighbors and those most in need. Working with our network of partners, we offer several opportunities throughout the year for the Cathedral community to come together to deliver God’s love to a hurting world.
We invite you to open your heart and extend your hands in service. As we say every Sunday, “Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself for us as an offering and a sacrifice to God.”
Get Involved
2024 Back to School Supplies Drive
The Cathedral community is joining with Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ and the Episcopal Church of the Atonement (Capitol View) to provide backpacks and school supplies to youth in DC Wards 7 & 8.
As the new school year approaches, we can all contribute to make sure students are equipped to start the year and fully engage in their lessons!
How to Help
We invite you to help in one of two ways: purchase backpacks and specific supplies and deliver them to the Cathedral on designated days and times, or, donate to Cathedral Cares directly using the form below.
For questions about the drive, or if you are interested in volunteering to help with drop-off or delivery to our partners, please email [email protected].
Purchase and Drop Off School Supplies
Purchase backpacks and other supplies and drop them off at the Cathedral during the windows below. For specifics on what to purchase, download this School Supplies List and label the supplies and each backpack for the specific grade level. Note: you may shop at online retailers, but items cannot be shipped directly to the Cathedral.
- Sunday, August 4: 9 am–1:30 pm (back of Nave)
- Sunday, August 11: 9 am–1:30 pm (back of Nave)
- Monday, August 12: 10:30 am–1:30 pm (Cathedral Library)
- Tuesday, August 13: 10:30 am–1 pm (Cathedral Library)
- Wednesday, August 14: 10:30 am–1:30 pm (Cathedral Library)
The Cathedral segregates and tracks all funds gifted for a specific purpose for that restricted purpose. They are spent and released in accordance with the lower of the amount budgeted in the associated annual operation or capital budgets, or actual expenses incurred for the restricted purpose.