The Rev. Canon Leonard L. Hamlin, Sr.

Today’s Gospel: John 2:23-3:15
It has been years since my father has passed away, but I can still hear his voice encouraging me to “Go just a little further”, to “Give just a little bit more”, to “Try just a little harder” and to “never quit until the work is done”. The words he spoke then are still ringing in my spirit today. Saint Jerome, biblical translator, Christian priest, theologian, and historian is credited for having stated, “Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ‘Til your good is better and your better is best.”
There are moments and seasons along life’s journey when we are invited to embrace life’s truths, meanings and purpose. Today we are presented with an opportunity to witness a life changing encounter between Nicodemus and Jesus. Looking closely, we observe the blessing of going a little bit further and giving just a little bit more.
There were many following Jesus because of the signs and miracles that he performed. Into this condition comes a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin by the name of Nicodemus. He is not the expected or anticipated candidate to respond to the Good News but Nicodemus needed something the world could not provide. His spirit desired to get beyond the shallowness of a sign-induced belief so he went beyond the comfort of his routine and was challenged by the words “You must be born anew”. Nicodemus’ life was transformed by going a little further. Today, let’s commit to going a little further as we walk this journey of life and faith!
Father I stretch my hands to Thee, No other Help I know: If thou withdraw Thyself from me, Ah! Wither shall I go? What did Thine only Son endure, Before I drew my breath! What pain, what labor to secure My soul from endless death! Surely Thou canst not let me die, O speak and I shall live: And here I will unwearied lie, Till Thou Thy spirit Give. Author of Faith! To Thee I lift my weary, longing eyes; O let me now receive that gift! My soul without it dies. (Author – Charles Wesley- “Father I Stretch My Hands to Thee”)