For many cultures, late October has traditionally been a season to honor those who have gone before us, a time for sharing memories, telling tales, and commemorating people who have left their mark on us and on the world. But for all the lives we remember, there are those who have played important roles whose stories are often overlooked. Join us on this Halloween eve as we engage stories and poetry, guided meditation and reflective writing, to spend time with both saints and strangers, discovering where we may have “entertained angels unaware.”

Dr. Terri Lynn Simpson is a poet, retreat leader, and the coordinator for the Center for Prayer and Pilgrimage at Washington National Cathedral. Celtic spirituality is her path and inviting people into thin places where they may share their stories and experience the presence of the Holy is her work. Grounded in the three-fold practices of prayer, pilgrimage, and poetry, she weaves strands of these Celtic influences into the retreats, pilgrimages and workshops she leads. Terri Lynn has a graduate degree in theology and a doctorate in Spirituality and Story.

Registrants will be sent information with a Zoom link on October 23.

Registration: $15, $7 students/seniors/limited income