Cathedral Connects
Exciting news! As a founding partner of America 250, the Cathedral is thrilled to announce the launch of #AmericaGives!
Our dear friend Virginia Mars died on Sept. 1 at age 94. Ginnie holds a special place in our hearts for her friendship, her leadership and her passionate commitment to this Cathedral.
The PBS News Hour spent some time with Brianna Castelli, our newest (and likely the first female) stone mason here at the Cathedral.
After taking some time away from the Cathedral this summer, Mike McCarthy has decided to resign his position as Canon for Music.
Chances are, if you’re anything like me, you look around our nation right now and you’re deeply concerned by what you see.
There's the image that Jesus demands strict adherence from his followers. But, as Dean Randy Hollerith points out, Jesus gave his disciples an out -- and asked them to choose for themselves.
Marriage can be hard work -- but maybe even a little harder when both spouses have the same job and both are answering the boss upstairs.
Bishop Mary Glasspool said there are key lessons to be learned from the brave women who challenged The Episcopal Church for ordination 50 years ago — and still work to be done.
Ever visited the Cathedral and wished you had a personal guide to point out all the details that are easy to miss? We've got a great solution for you.
Fifty years ago this summer, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins presented the Cathedral with a piece of the moon scooped up by the Apollo 11 mission.