Cathedral Connects
45 Results found for: Just For Fun
Just in time for the Christmas season, we have big news ... our gift shop is open again!
Our partners over at Art21 have released their mini documentary about the Cathedral's new Now and Forever windows, and it's worth 10 minutes of your time.
It's that most wonderful time of the year, when the Cathedral creche collection opens to the public and invites you to explore the wonder of Christmas, with the Holy Family interpreted across multiple cultures and customs.
Few families have left as large a multi-generational impact at the Cathedral as Constantine Seferlis and his son, Andy.
Repair crews are dismantling the scaffolding that was used to complete a major earthquake repair project, and the before-and-after photos show the scope of the work.
Kerry James Marshall and Henry Louis "Skip" Gates, Jr., are two of the towering figures in American Black life, and they're still making news after their appearance at the Cathedral on Sept. 23.
Noah filled his ark two by two; on Sunday, we filled Walker Court woof by woof with a handful of meows and chirps.
Installing a stained glass window is about a whole lot more than just stitching together beautiful snippets of glass ...
It's not often that a summer job in high school launches a 50-year career, but veteran Cathedral sculptor Jay Hall Carpenter found a way to do it.
We know you can't get enough of our decapitated gargoyle, because we sure can't.