State Funeral for President James Earl Carter, Jr.
Thursday, January 9, 2025 • 10 am est
Washington National Cathedral is honored to host the State Funeral for former President Jimmy Carter on Thursday, Jan. 9, at 10 am est.
President Carter’s public service and humanitarian spirit were anchored in his deep faith in Jesus Christ. At this House of Prayer for All People, we are grateful for the opportunity to welcome the nation to mourn his passing and to celebrate his remarkable life.
Join the Service Online
Due to security concerns and the large number of expected guests and dignitaries, the service is not open to the general public. All are invited to celebrate the life of America’s 39th President via the livestream below, or on the Cathedral’s YouTube channel.
Media Information and Credentials
All media credentials for a state funeral at the Cathedral are issued by the Joint Task Force-National Capital Region and the U.S. Army Military District of Washington. The Cathedral does not credential media for a state funeral. For information on credentialing, visit the JTF-NCR website or call (202) 685-4645. For questions regarding access to the Cathedral grounds prior to the state funeral, or for other requests regarding the Cathedral’s role in honoring President Carter, please contact West End Strategy.
For other media-related needs, please see the official press release.

Bishop Budde and Dean Hollerith Mourn the Loss of President Jimmy Carter
statementFrequently Asked Questions
Due to the large number of expected guests and dignitaries, the Cathedral service is invitation-only. The Cathedral does not have the ability to extend invitations to the general public.
The funeral service will be available on this page, streamed on YouTube by the Cathedral, and will be carried live by all major television networks.
The Cathedral’s founders envisioned this Cathedral as a “great church for national purposes,” and one of the Cathedral’s core missions is to open its doors to the nation at times of joy, mourning and national significance. President Carter, in consultation with the Carter family and the U.S. military, chose the Cathedral as the site of his State Funeral service.
You are encouraged to share memories and leave messages of condolences at the Carter Center’s website. You may also browse notable tributes and other entries in the condolence book.
President Carter at the Cathedral
President Carter visited Washington National Cathedral several times, both as president and during his decades of activism after he left the White House.
Other State Funerals and Presidential Memorial Services
The Cathedral is honored to host the funeral for President Jimmy Carter, celebrating a life dedicated to service and faith. The Cathedral has also hosted the State Funerals for Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush. President Woodrow Wilson was laid to rest inside the Cathedral in 1924. The Cathedral has also held seven presidential Memorial Services. Additionally, the Episcopal Bishop of Washington officiated at President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s funeral, which was held in the East Room of the White House.