Christmas Day: And it was through a little child on a sidewalk in Washington, D.C., and a tiny baby born in Bethlehem that God reminds that the greatest gift we can give to one another is the gift of our love and the gift of ourselves.
Christmas Eve: God is the life within our lives, the power that sustains the galaxies, the breath within our breath and heart within our heart.
Christmas Eve: Do we really believe that God continues to speak to us in deep dreams and in direct angelic, physical encounters?
Christmas Lessons and Carols: Christian faith isn’t so much interested in high noble ideals for themselves, but in a God who gets through to us in a baby in a manger and in a man hanging on a cross.
Advent IV: The hard truth is that if your life is already full, if you are already on your throne, you don’t really have room for God.
Bethlehem Prayer Service
Advent III: We, too, need songs of joy and exultation as we so eagerly await the new light piercing through the dark.
Advent II: Our waiting for God is intended to be both patient and impatient.
Advent I: We were daring to imagine a future we could not yet see, where a tiny slip of a seed could hold out such a vision of God’s love for this world.
Thanksgiving Day: Sometimes we just forget to look for the good. We get out of practice.... We must give thanks to become grateful.