Pentecost III: Should she be punished this evening because she’s crossed the line of social propriety or is her extravagance a sign of her deep hunger for life-giving and life-saving and life-transforming grace?
Pentecost: Church is meant to be a place of wind and fire, where we experience a Spirit of oneness when we gather here and are sent out from here to be healers, binders, reconcilers.
Easter VII: Every relationship has some deepening, growing, expanding, solidifying, and blossoming to do. Under the sway of this prayer, no relationship is allowed to be static.
Today we are giving thanks for the life of a woman who over nearly a century became an unstoppable force of salt and light for our country.
Easter III: We live for those moments when that mysterious mix of practice and love reaches a certain point that we call Spirit.…We call those moments holy. We call that point life-giving.
Easter II: We are more focused on busy work, doing logical tasks that seemingly justify our sense of salvation, rather than sitting at the feet of Jesus, participating in the presence of God.
Easter: For many in the class it was hard to understand the resurrection narratives of Jesus simply from the biblical accounts they had studied.
Easter: Believing in the resurrection, though, is not about being convinced by a logical argument but beginning to trust a different way of seeing life.
Good Friday: If we fail to see the part we play in our world’s pain and brokenness, we miss the deepest truth of Good Friday—the chance to know an unimaginably forgiving love flowing from the cross.
Maundy Thursday: We waved our palm branches, sang “Hosanna!” and then minutes later shouted with the crowd, “Crucify him!”