Advent I: Amazing things can happen when you open the door and let the light of Christ into your life.… Myriad ways for us to reflect the light of Christ to a hurting, broken, and suffering world.
Thanksgiving: I’m so glad that you are here this morning and that we’re all gathered together to lift up, in our own way, in our own experience, our gratefulness to God for all of our blessings.
Christ the King Sunday: At the foundation of our faith are not rules and obligations, or guilt or fear, but a foundational amazement at all that we have been given, and an unstoppable desire to offer thanks and praise to the Giver.
Pentecost XXV: As Christians, our response to the chaos that has engulfed our cities, this nation, and the world is the response of those who, with prophetic zeal and stubborn determination, proclaim and then work for the justice and righteousness of God to be an actuality in the lives of all people.
All Saints Day: The only answer to our political problems is a vision of a common good, a willingness to respect and listen to one another, a readiness to make sacrifices for the health of the country and the well-being of the most vulnerable.
Reformation Day: For us to have real friendships, a real walk with Christ in one another, we must risk, must take the time to build relationships, must let the masks come off.
Pentecost XX: That is the second miracle—the miracle of wholeness, salvation that comes to the one who comes back in gratitude.
Pentecost XIX: Humility is…an essential piece of accepting the invitation from God to set aside our own aspirations, our own designs, in order to know God’s hopes for us.
Cathedral Day: The measure of the quality of our faith, the Old Testament prophets taught, rests on the character of justice in the land, and the measure of justice is how we treat the poor.
Pentecost XVII: It’s what sets Christianity apart from other religions—the wild claim that at the heart of the universe is this relentless love, generosity, and compassion that will not stop no matter what.