22 Results found for: Funeral
Memorial Service for Rowan LeCompte (1925–2014)
In Celebration and Thanksgiving for the Life of Dieter Heinrich Goldkuhle: Stained glass is the filter through which God’s divine light…pours down from heaven into our places of worship, dazzling our eyes and filling our hearts with joy and wonder.
Today we are giving thanks for the life of a woman who over nearly a century became an unstoppable force of salt and light for our country.
We give thanks to almighty God for a live well lived and a servant who was tempered and made stronger by the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Celebration and Thanksgiving for the Life of Jack Kemp: The question that comes quickly to our lips is the question that was asked by Job in that oldest of old books, which lies deep in the nature of our own humanity: If a man die shall he live again?
Celebration and Thanksgiving for the Life of Jack Kemp
In Thanksgiving for Dean Francis B. Sayre, Jr.