Ephiphany IV: Every Sunday it is as if Christ stands in our midst, ready to give us the peace and strength we need. We come for our weekly dose of words and music, and of the bread and wine of the Eucharist, what the ancient church called “the medicine of the soul.”
Epiphany IV: Teachers have the power to change lives.
Epiphany III: Listening for God’s call means refusing to ask what I want for my life and to focus on what God wants from the life I have been given.
Inaugural Prayer Service: Even in these tough times, we can feed the good wolf, listen to the better angels of our nature. We can choose the fast of God’s desiring.
Epiphany II: You could say that it has taken two hundred and thirty two years since 1776 for America fully to embrace its deepest beliefs.
Christmas II: The audacity of hope. I hope we never lose it. I hope you never lose it.
First Sunday after Christmas Day: There is no question in my mind that the Word /Jesus came into this world to reveal that God calls his people to be generous with open arms to all of God’s people.
Christmas Eve: Christmas is God’s answer to the darkness we face.
Advent III
Advent II: But the hard truth is that we need a turnaround—not just for General Motors and Chrysler, but for this country, this world, and for you and me.