Pentecost XVI: To be spiritually mature is to have developed a capacity for childlike trust in the God who holds and sustains us.
Pentecost XV: From the disciples’ understanding, the Messiah would lead a popular uprising that would overthrow the Roman government and establish a new political structure.
Pentecost XIV: We, as children of God, have a part to play in the actions of, not only the church, but also the larger public bodies of which we are participants.
Pentecost XIII: Saint Benedict, another great master of Christian spirituality, reminds us that as we seem to make spiritual progress we need to stay disciplined, but we must also pace ourselves and not be too tough or demanding.
Pentecost XII: On all of the graves at Terezin are stones left by mourners to pave the way from this life of suffering to an eternal life of peace.
Pentecost XI: The full revelation of God is found in the person of Jesus Christ: a person of complexity, a person who experienced joy and grief, frustration and friendship, compassion and betrayal; a person who still seeks our friendship.
Pentecost X: For me, the most incredible part of the life of Jesus is that Jesus shows to us God’s nature—who God is. God becomes personal.
Pentecost IX: God endows us with a hunger for the holy, and through God’s Son, we are truly fed.
Pentecost VIII: We belong, we participate, and we share, and in that sharing find ourselves in the presence of God.
Pentecost VII: Miracles happen when we give ourselves a time apart for spiritual renewal and rest.