Reign of Christ Sunday: It looks as if real kingship is not about how much power someone has, but whether someone is rooted in God’s life and truth, which is the essential structure of the universe itself.
Pentecost XXIV: Only when we know that this life is not our final destination, are we actually liberated to work with courage and hope.
Pentecost XXIII: There is an invitation here to live your life fully, by giving it away, pouring it out with all the passion, energy, intelligence, imagination, and love in you.
All Saints Day: We need saints in every generation to make explicit what it means to live Christ’s life in our time.
Pentecost XXI: The real point of this story is that Bartimaeus wanted conversion in his life, and he asked Jesus for healing precisely so that he could follow him.
Pentecost XX: Jesus is the master teacher who loves us and wants us not only to think differently, but to live differently.
Pentecost XIX: If our hands are already full, if we are otherwise occupied with all of our ownings and doings, there’s not really room for God.
Acolyte Festival 2009: By sharing how they felt when they stood at the altar during the Eucharistic Prayer or carried the cross, why they were willing to get up early on Sunday mornings, the teenagers and adults both discovered that they all shared the same love of liturgy and commitment to God’s church.
Pentecost XVIII: We gas-guzzling Americans with our high-consuming lifestyles seem to love our St. Francis, but not enough to take him seriously.
You know, there is something good about hard, demanding times. They help us to see what matters and what we are most grateful for.