Blue spring flowers on the Cathedral grounds

Today’s Gospel: John 2:1-12

At first glance, the “sign” of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana of Galilee does not seem Lenten in its tone or its message of divine extravagance through Jesus’ life-giving powers. But, I ask you to imagine that you are one of those six ritual pots—empty and unadorned—and when filled with water, flavorless. And then press pause. When Jesus’ mother tells him, “They have no wine,” he responds, “My hour has not yet come.” Now imagine you exist between the “tick” and “tock” of these two statements, but those seconds last 36 days.

What do you need to do between now and then for your heart, mind and soul vessels to prepare to receive the good wine? Perhaps, it’s fasting from people who try to crack and damage you, or fasting from believing you’re not strong enough or good enough to receive God’s Cana-Grace. Maybe, it’s fasting from judgment, shame and criticism, especially of yourself, so you can make space for Jesus’ healing love and nourishment to flow into and through you.

You are the “fine wine,” but you’re not quite aged this March Monday. Allow these days of Lent to be your fermentation period. With repentance, God will add the spiritual yeast, and on Easter eve, we will wait anxiously for the wine steward to announce, “But you have kept the good wine until now!”


Gracious God, we give you thanks for changing our empty and corroded vessels into containers of your grace and abundance. Help us to never to become dulled to your physical or spiritual signs. Help us to recognize you as the source of all good gifts—gifts that reflect your love. Amen.