Earthquake Restoration
The 2011 earthquake caused about $38 million in damage to the Cathedral. With your help, we can restore this national treasure to its original grandeur.
On Aug. 23, 2011, a rare 5.8-magnitude earthquake struck the mid-Atlantic and caused significant damage to the Cathedral. In the years since, repair crews have been working their way around the building in phases to replace damaged stone, shore up wobbly pinnacles and reinforce the Cathedral to protect against future damage.
August 23, 2024: 13 Years Since the Earthquake
Get an update on the latest restoration efforts with Joe Alonso:
Support Earthquake Repairs
All repairs are funded by the generous donations of private individuals and foundations. Thank you for your support!
The Cathedral segregates and tracks all funds gifted for a specific purpose for that restricted purpose. They are spent and released in accordance with the lower of the amount budgeted in the associated annual operation or capital budgets, or actual expenses incurred for the restricted purpose.

Earthquake Repair: Before and After
cathedral connects