Prayer Gatherings
Join us for one of our weekly prayer gatherings, online or in-person in the Center for Prayer and Pilgrimage.
Prayer Gatherings
Online Lectio Divina and Centering Prayer
Tuesdays, 5:30–6:30 pm ET on Facebook Live
Gather with kindred spirits from around the world for an hour of contemplative prayer practices. First, share in a time of Lectio Divina as we listen for the voice of God in the words of scripture, in the wisdom of community, and in silence. In this modified version of the ancient monastic practice of holy reading, we read the gospel lesson for the coming Sunday and reflect on how the Spirit is speaking to us in the present moment.
Then, we shift our prayer from words to silence. A brief reading and reflection on a classic or contemporary author leads us into a time of quiet contemplation and shared silence. The last Tuesday of the month in lieu of a reading, join us for a time of intercessions as we pray for ourselves, our communities and our world. Twenty minutes of silence follows the period of shared prayers.
Join us for one or both practices. If you are unable to sign on Tuesday evening, the videos stay posted on the Center’s Facebook page for you to access at your convenience.
Centering Prayer
Thursdays, 5:30–6:30 pm ET at the Center (please confirm with the Cathedral calendar)
Move beyond thoughts, words and emotions into a time of quiet contemplation during this time of silent prayer. The in-person sessions include a time for teaching and discussion prior to the time of silence.
The Center for Prayer and Pilgrimage is located in the lower level of the Cathedral. Enter the Cathedral via The Way of Peace entrance, located on the southeast side of the building. A volunteer is available from 5:15 – 5:30 pm to greet you at the door and direct you to the Center. Limited parking is available on South Road and Pilgrim Road after 5 pm.
Learn more
The Center for Prayer and Pilgrimage is part of the Contemplative Outreach international network. Learn more about the practices or find a group in your area at contemplativeoutreach.org or email us at [email protected] for questions about the Center’s contemplative prayer gatherings.