You’re invited to stroll through the Cathedral grounds or pick a quiet spot to listen as Cathedral Carillonneur Edward M. Nassor plays a special space-themed carillon recital! The carillon can be heard from most areas of the Cathedral grounds; it is played via a keyboard and pedals, situated high in the Cathedral’s central tower (150 feet above the nave floor) and directly amid the bells.


Ad astra per aspera (“Through hardships to the stars”)
When You Wish Upon a Star
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

Love You to the Moon and Back
Fly Me to the Moon
Moon River
Blue Moon

Semper Supra (“Always above”, Space Force motto)
Andromeda by Yvette Janine Jackson
Asteroids by Gary White
Imperial March (Darth Vader theme) by John Williams  

Learn more about the Cathedral’s carillon.