New York Times columnist David Brooks recently wrote, “Everywhere I go, people are coping with an avalanche of negative emotions—shock, pain, contempt, anger, anxiety, fear.” He asks, “How can you prevent yourself from becoming embittered, hate-filled, calloused over, suspicious and desensitized?” For three weeks this Advent, we hope to address this question by offering the balm of healing that the birth of the Christ child promises us. Through meditations of Sabbath-taking, spiritual contemplation, and spiritual psychology, you will be given new eyes and hearts to lead with love in these harsh times. Join the Rev. Jo Nygard Owens, the Rev. Canon Dana Corsello, and a weekly special guest this Advent season as they host a Zoom webinar series that helps us understand healing the world begins with healing ourselves. This is how a weary world rejoices! Free to attend. Please register in advance. Week 1: Featuring the Rev. Dr. Sarah Griffith Lund
about this week’s guest
The Rev. Dr. Sarah Griffith Lund is Minister for Disabilities and Mental Health Justice on the national staff of the United Church of Christ and is the senior pastor of First Congregational UCC of Indianapolis, IN. She is the author of several books on the topic of faith and mental health: Blessed are the Crazy: Breaking the Silence About Mental Illness, Family, and Church; Blessed Union: Breaking the Silence About Mental Illness and Marriage; Blessed Youth: Breaking the Silence About Mental Illness with Children and Teens, and Blessed Youth Survival Guide.