The Cathedral is thrilled to welcome Ariana Corbin as our new Organ Scholar for the next two years!

Ariana comes to us from Tallahassee, Fla., where she’s pursuing a Ph.D. in organ studies at Florida State University. This summer, she’ll be at Saint Thomas Fifth Avenue in New York City working with their Girl Chorister Course.

From the FSU press release:

“My primary goal for myself as an organist and church musician is to use music as an opportunity for outreach, ministry and education,” Corbin said. “By working in the National Cathedral, I can pursue this dream of working in a church environment, while giving back to the community through the art of intertwining sacred music and concert repertoire with an emphasis on musical diversity.”

As the Organ Scholar at Washington National Cathedral, a position she will hold for two years starting this summer, Corbin will accompany two chorister programs and work as a coach for young singers. The choristers are drawn from St. Alban’s School and the National Cathedral School, which are affiliated with Washington National Cathedral.

She also will work alongside Thomas Sheehan, organist and associate director of music at the Washington National Cathedral, and Michael McCarthy, canon for music and director of institutional planning at the Washington National Cathedral.

“In working with these two musicians, I’ll be focusing on developing my skills as a church musician and learning skills in church administration, music education, choral accompanying and organ playing in general,” Corbin said. “This position will help me to develop the skills that I am going to need to lead my own church music program someday.”

Ariana will join us on July 1. Welcome to the Cathedral, Ariana!

  • music
  • worship