Cathedral Connects
D.C. Chief of Police Pamela A. Smith has had a long career in law enforcement ... and her homily for National Gun Violence Awareness Day shows her equally impressive experience in the pulpit.
As the world pauses to remember the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings that liberated Europe from tyranny, we unearthed Bishop Angus Dun's "Invasion Day" message from June 6, 1944.
Every day in America, we lose an average of 118 lives to gun violence. On Friday, we'll gather to mourn the loss and to honor the victims.
The Cathedral is thrilled to welcome Ariana Corbin as our new Organ Scholar for the next two years!
Provost Jan Cope asks: How are you manifesting the love of God that resides in you?
Jesus' command was pretty simple: "Love one another." But how?
Judy Shepard told us she was making a last-minute trip to Washington ... but she didn't tell us why.
Take a trip around the world at the Cathedral this weekend during the 85th annual Flower Mart!
Pop quiz: Which U.S. president signed the congressional charter authorizing the construction of the Cathedral in 1893?
Humanitarian Chef Jose Andres paid tribute Thursday to the seven aid workers from his World Central Kitchen who were killed in Gaza earlier this month.