Jesus broke barriers to love people into life. The question, Dean Randy Hollerith says, is: Will you do the same?

Preaching from the Canterbury Pulpit yesterday, Dean Randy draws on a scary episode in his own life — and the Gospel text of people seeking healing from Jesus — to show how Christ comes to meet us with healing and new life.

Our job, he said, is to extend that same healing to those around us, particularly in this difficult election year.

Remember, there isn’t a boundary that Christ won’t cross to reach you, to heal you, to give you the hope and the strength that you need to make it through the trials of this life. He may not answer every prayer just the way we would like, we may not get what we ask for, but he will always answer. 

More to the point, who are those people in your orbit who need to be loved into life? Where can you cross boundaries and borders to be a healing force in someone else’s life? As we head into the 4th of July holiday, I think our country is in need, now more than ever, of people who will cross boundaries and borders, politics and party, to be a healing force for others.

People who are willing to be vulnerable enough to admit what they don’t know, so that they might learn what someone else knows. People who are unwavering when it comes to telling the truth, but people who always try to tell the truth in love.

The soul of our nation is wounded and raw right now, but it need not stay that way. If we work together for healing, I know that we will find it, as Jesus said to Jairus on that fateful day, “Do not fear; only believe.” May God grant us the grace to do so.


Kevin Eckstrom

Chief Public Affairs Officer

  • Public Life
  • worship