St. Paul wrote about the "thorn in the flesh," and the Rev. Jo Nygard Owens asks: what if the thorns in our lives aren't something to be avoided, but embraced?

Preaching from the Canterbury Pulpit, Jo said the things that are hardest to bear — “the cracks in the armor, the things too often that we think of as holding us back” — can often be “the places that God does the best work.”

She put it this way:

There are no promises that life will be easy, and in fact, every example that it will not. So what if we drop the facade that we can control everything if we only grasp it tight enough?

What if we let go in the places we clinging the strongest and allow God in?

What if we offer God our weaknesses to use rather than just our strengths? And see what transformation comes, not only for us, but for the whole world?


Kevin Eckstrom

Chief Public Affairs Officer

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