Jesus' command was pretty simple: "Love one another." But how?

Dean Randy Hollerith tackled Jesus’ commandment is his sermon yesterday:

“Where are the barriers, the walls, the closed doors in your life that need to be broken down by the power of love? Who are the people you are estranged from in disagreement with, in opposition to that you can reach out to in search of a new and a different relationship? They may be cantankerous, obnoxious, difficult, unlovely, and seemingly lovable,

But you don’t have to agree with them. You don’t even have to like them. Instead, our Lord calls us to try and love them, which means being willing to work for their wellbeing in spite of how we feel about them.

My friends, let’s be honest with ourselves. Any faith we claim to have — if it doesn’t include love is fake. Any religion without love is dangerous and destructive because religion without love is religion, without God. Christ has commanded us that we are to love those who deserve it, and most importantly, we are to love those who don’t.”


Kevin Eckstrom

Chief Public Affairs Officer

  • worship