Marriage can be hard work -- but maybe even a little harder when both spouses have the same job and both are answering the boss upstairs.

You probably know our Dean, Randy Hollerith, but you may not know his wife, Melissa Hollerith. They’re both ordained Episcopal priests and Randy will tell you that people like Melissa’s sermons better.

They met at Berkeley Divinity School at Yale University, and their clergy careers have overlapped for more than 30 years. They joined a podcast hosted by The Living Church magazine about the joys and challenges that clergy couples face, and it’s worth a listen.

They talk about:

  • The first time Randy spotted his future wife (“I knew I was gonna be in trouble”)
  • Different styles in extroverting and introverting
  • Raising kids as a clergy couple
  • Facing shortcomings and being vulnerable with your soulmate

Kevin Eckstrom

Chief Public Affairs Officer