The Cathedral is joining a nationwide campaign to petition the U.S. Postal Service to add a stamp in honor of gay rights icon Matthew Shepard.

Shepard died in 1998 at the age of 21, the victim of a vicious anti-gay beating. Twenty years later, in 2018, his ashes were interred here at the Cathedral, and his memorial has become a pilgrimage site for LGBTQ Americans and their allies. In late 2022, the Cathedral welcomed a spiritual portrait of Matthew created by noted iconographer Kelly Latimore.

A new effort is underway to create a Matthew Shepard memorial postage stamp, and it needs your help. Learn more about what you can do here.

From the site:

“We believe in the power of community and the importance of remembering our history. That’s why we started this project – to help make a real difference in the world and to remember the amazing life of Matthew.”



Kevin Eckstrom

Chief Public Affairs Officer