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31 Results found for: Reflections

  • Published: 
    by The Rev. Spencer Brown

    I have a Bible that I use for personal devotion, bound in a red cover with my name emblazoned in gold letters on the front cover. Inside the front cover is an inscription with the date and place this Bible was gifted.

  • Published: 
    by The Rev. Canon Kelly Brown Douglas

    “How, really, do you keep hoping?” my son once asked me. “You lived through the 1960s, and here we are again. Aren’t you just tired of it all?”  

  • Published: 
    by The Right Rev. V. Gene Robinson

    "But I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you," Jesus tells us in the Gospel of Luke. For those looking for spiritual guidance in how to live in these turbulent and polarized times, Jesus’ advice may seem either naïve or simply impossible.

  • Headshot of Cathedral Provost, smiling and wearing a blue jacket over priestly vestment
    by The Rev. Canon Jan Naylor Cope

    To state the obvious, finding common ground with those with whom we fundamentally disagree is one of the greatest challenges of our time. It seems we too quickly categorize and “write off” people who hold different views.  

  • a woman in a hard hat
    by The Very Rev. Randolph Marshall Hollerith

    Our dear friend Virginia Mars died on Sept. 1 at age 94. Ginnie holds a special place in our hearts for her friendship, her leadership and her passionate commitment to this Cathedral.

  • Published: 
    by The Very Rev. Randolph Marshall Hollerith

    Chances are, if you’re anything like me, you look around our nation right now and you’re deeply concerned by what you see. 

  • Clergy singing with hands folded in prayer
    by Kevin Eckstrom

    When 11 brave women put themselves forward for ordination 50 years ago, a young Rose Duncan remembers asking the rector at her parish in D.C. how he would address a female priest. His reply: "I don't."

  • Three priests in a Cathedral
    by Kevin Eckstrom

    Provost Jan Naylor Cope recognizes the significance of the 50th anniversary of women's ordination in The Episcopal Church, but still longs for the day when a female priest is just a priest, or a female bishop is just a bishop.

  • Cathedral Vicar in festive vestment holding a lit candle with worshippers in the background, also holding lit candles, at Christmas
    by Kevin Eckstrom

    The Rev. Dana Corsello was sitting next to a male parish leader when a parishioner congratulated him on a spectacular worship service. "Why are you telling me?" he responded. "She's sitting right here, and she's the rector."

  • a stained glass image in a church
    by Kevin Eckstrom

    As the world pauses to remember the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings that liberated Europe from tyranny, we unearthed Bishop Angus Dun's "Invasion Day" message from June 6, 1944.