May 19, 2017

Dear friends,

It is with profoundly mixed emotions that I share exciting news about one of our cherished colleagues, the Rev. Canon Kelly Brown Douglas, the Cathedral’s Canon Theologian. Today it was announced that Kelly has accepted the call to become the next dean of Episcopal Divinity School.

On the one hand, we are absolutely thrilled for Kelly and the wisdom shown by EDS in calling its next dean. Kelly is and will continue to be a gift to the church, and we will all be blessed by her leadership, her witness and her vision to create God’s Beloved Community. On the other hand, we are sad to bid farewell to a wonderful priest and friend, but we know she goes with God’s blessing and with our prayers.

The good news is that Kelly will not be leaving our life entirely. She will retain her title of Canon Theologian here at the Cathedral, and I look forward to her continued involvement in our work on racial justice and racial reconciliation. While we’re still discerning what that role looks like, we know that she will remain a part of our life and our work, even if on a less regular basis.

Kelly’s move to EDS is part of a larger series of changes for one of the church’s most prestigious seminaries. EDS will relocate from its historic home in Cambridge, Mass., and affiliate with Union Theological Seminary in New York City, where Kelly will spend her work week as she continues to spend weekends with her husband in the Washington area.

While it is always sad to bid farewell to a friend and gifted priest, we know that God’s calling to Kelly and to EDS will be a gift to the wider church, and we look forward to Kelly remaining a part of our life and helping us find our way through some important conversations and decisions.

Please join me in congratulating Kelly and the leaders of EDS, and in prayers of thanksgiving for the gift Kelly has been to all of us. Please stay tuned as we work out details for a more formal send-off for Kelly as she makes her way to New York.


The Very Rev. Randy Hollerith