Lauralyn Lee was named permanent Chief of Staff and Chief Operating Officer in January 2022, charged with guiding the Cathedral staff during a period of intense transition and reorganization as the Cathedral weathered the pandemic and opens its doors to the public.  

Headshot of Cathedral staff member Lauralyn Lee

Lee is no stranger to the Cathedral; she and her husband, Peter Lee, were married at the Cathedral, they baptized their children here, and their two daughters attend National Cathedral School. She previously served as a contractor for the dean to help shape the Cathedral’s 2019–2023 Strategic Plan.

Lee has spent the last several years working as a management consultant to large mission-driven institutions (churches, museums and universities). A lawyer by training, Lee worked for nearly two decades at Georgetown University, serving first in the Office of University Counsel and later as a senior administrator with responsibility for community engagement and master planning. The Arizona native attended college at Arizona State University and received a law degree from Duke University.