Here at the Cathedral, we’re entering this tumultuous election year with two audacious ideas: First, every person is a beloved child of God. And second, Americans yearn for a better way to be in relationship with one another.

That better way starts by learning to see our neighbor beyond partisan labels or political beliefs. It is rooted in grace, nurtured by love, and fueled by compassion. We may not always agree, but we can find ways to treat each other with humility, decency and generosity of spirit. We invite you to join us in finding that better way of being – together.


Recent and Upcoming Events

The Cathedral is hosting a series of events designed to help Americans live together, learn from each other and find a way forward as a nation in polarized times. Learn about our recent and upcoming events below and join us in creating a better way of being.

An Evening with Liz Cheney and Jon Meacham

Event from April 24

Catch up on the discussion with Former Congresswoman Liz Cheney and Canon Historian Jon Meacham on how America’s leaders can put principles first, and how all Americans can find a better way to be in relationship with each other.

An Evening with Author Ray Suarez

Event from April 30

Catch up on this evening forum with veteran broadcaster, historian and author Ray Suarez as he discusses his new book, "Becoming American in the 21st Century: An Oral History."

Forum: With Malice Toward None, With Charity for All

Event from Feb. 21

Catch up on the forum where, with special guests, we explored how to repair the breaches in our civic life. This event was in partnership with the Wheatley Institute at Brigham Young University and Wesley Theological Seminary, and sponsored by Deseret Magazine.

A Prayer for National Unity

This July 4th, the Cathedral offers a prayer for national unity within the context of its own Christian tradition and invites others to adapt it, as appropriate, to their own faith.

“Almighty and eternal God, source of all wisdom and understanding, bless this nation and all who dwell within it. In a time when so many feel alienated, fearful, and angry, grant us courage and compassion to respect neighbors whose views differ from our own.

Enable us to see one another not as enemies, but, in all our diversity, as beloved children created in your image. Remove any hatred and malice from our hearts and sow love and goodwill in their place. Guide us to heal our fractured and divided nation, that we may find reconciliation rather than recrimination.

In the midst of our struggle for justice and truth, help us uphold our devotion to democracy and the rule of law. Let us never take for granted the freedoms won in generations past, and may your wisdom lead us to better ways to live together with humility, civility and generosity of spirit. We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

Crossroads Podcast

digital features
Catch up on the Cathedral's latest digital offering! "Crossroads" is our new podcast exploring the intersection of sacred and civic, with thought-provoking topics and guests who are seeking to live faithfully in the public square. stream now

A Note from the Dean

Since our earliest days as a country, Americans have rarely agreed on everything. In fact, many times throughout history, our differences have threatened to drown out the things we hold in common. But diverse opinions and healthy disagreement are signs of a flourishing democracy; they are good things and part of our national DNA.

For nearly 250 years, we have found the way through our differences with a kind of social compact: Respecting the rule of law, protecting the right to free speech, yielding to the will of the people, and rejecting political violence. That framework for civility has been undergirded by our shared values of decency, mutual respect, honesty and giving one another the benefit of the doubt.

We need to rediscover those shared ideals, and to remember why they are so important. For us as Christians, we are commanded to love our neighbors — even to love our enemies — in recognition that each one of us is loved by God. Scripture shows us what that love looks like: Patient. Kind. Humble. Gracious. Hopeful. Just.

This is not easy work, but it is the most important thing we can do as a country. This Cathedral is committed to helping us find A Better Way – a better way to live together, a better way to listen to each other and a better way to be in relationship with one another. It is holy and important work, and I hope you’ll join us!

—The Very Rev. Randolph Marshall Hollerith
Dean, Washington National Cathedral

A Space for Prayer and Reflection

We invite you to share your thoughts in a prayerful way. Use the form below to submit your prayer, and it will be offered at an upcoming weekday intercessory prayer service.