The Rev. Andrew K. Barnett

A Meditation for Maundy Thursday
The man was on death row, and this was his last meal with friends. He could have spent the whole night in anger, in fear. He could have saved his nastiest words for Pilate, that Governor who was more concerned with protecting his political fortunes than with the administration of justice. He could have raved against the religious establishment, so bent on preserving itself that leaders would miss God’s truth in their midst.
But no.
At table with his friends, Christ Jesus broke bread and gave us that commandment from which Maundy Thursday takes is name. “That you love one another as I have loved you.” Then he broke bread and shared supper with them. He poured wine and offered it to everyone, including those who would deny him, betray him, or keep their heads down when the mob arrived.
And then in a gesture of deep humility he washed their feet.
Of all the stories we will tell this year, this is the one that stands out, to me, as the most moving. For it captures the essence of discipleship: “That you love one another as I have loved you.”
Blessings to you and to those you love as we begin to observe these three holiest days of the Christian year.