“O prosper the work of our hands!” —Psalm 90:17

A Note From the Vicar

I’m so pleased to let you know that the 2024 stewardship campaign, God’s Work, Our Hands, is simply an annual campaign to fund the mission and ministry of the Cathedral’s Congregation for Fiscal Year 2024. Last fall, with great success, the Cathedral publicly launched its Comprehensive Campaign. As part of the large campaign, we then launched the Vicar’s Endowment Fund during Eastertide. This fall we’re back to basics, and this includes hiring a full-time priest associate to support the Congregation.

This is where you come in. I know that each of you has God- given gifts and talents as unique as your own fingerprints. I am calling on you to use them, to offer them up to God for the service of the Congregation. I am always inspired by your love for one another and your enthusiasm for what we can accomplish together in Jesus’ name. This certainly includes your generosity in supporting our work with your financial gifts.

With this note, I ask you to support this year’s campaign. It’s God’s work of building the kingdom that we have ahead of us and it’s really in our hands. “O prosper the work of our hands!” — Psalm 90:17

—Canon Vicar Dana Corsello

Make Your Pledge

Pledge online below, download and mail your pledge, or come in-person on Celebration Sunday, October 15. Your annual pledge is critical to ensuring a vibrant Congregation ministry.

Have questions about pledging? Jump to the FAQ.

Congregation Pledging FAQ

Anyone actively participating in the life of the congregation should make an annual financial commitment. Pledging is an important spiritual exercise which allows you to reflect on the blessings God has bestowed upon you and to express your gratitude for those gifts by giving back to the Church.

Your pledge should be an amount that is meaningful to you and an amount you can give with gratitude.
If you pledged last year, consider increasing it by 5%. If you are new to pledging, consider an amount you know you can commit to.

No matter where you are located, this congregation welcomes you! Your pledge helps support the new ways we deliver life changing ministries to friends in communities near and far. Pledges support our in-person and digital worship life.

Yes, you can include your credit card information on the pledge slip or set up your pledge payments using the web form located above this FAQ.

Checks are welcome and may be mailed to:

Washington National Cathedral
3101 Wisconsin Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20016-5098

Yes. You can include the Cathedral in your will, trust or even as a beneficiary of your IRA.
Visit cathedral.givingplan.net to learn more about extending your support to those who follow us.

You can pay all or a portion of your pledge at any time. Pledges made during this campaign should be paid in full by December 31, 2024.

We understand that circumstances change. Please let the development office know if you need to make changes to your pledge during the calendar year.

Ready to pledge?

Pledge online now, download and mail your pledge, or come in-person on Celebration Sunday, October 15.
Your annual pledge is critical to ensuring a vibrant Congregation ministry.

Still have questions about pledging? We’re happy to help! Please contact us:
  → via email: [email protected]
  → via phone: (202) 537-5535


Christ has no body but yours,

No hands, no feet on earth but yours,

Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world,

Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,

Yours are the hands with which he blesses all the world.”

—St. Teresa of Avila